


by Sylvain

Thank you for visiting the Site. All information and documentation contained on the Site are provided solely for informational purposes and to promote our products and services. The information and documentation presented do not constitute an offer of products and/or services from us, our partners, or third parties, and should not be considered as advice or instructions on the use of our products and services.

Please read the Terms of Use carefully. By accessing the Site, you indicate your acceptance and understanding of the Terms of Use. If you do not accept our Terms of Use, please refrain from accessing the Site. We reserve the right to modify the Terms of Use without notice and at any time. Be sure to check this page regularly to be aware of any changes to the Terms of Use. The version posted on the Site at the relevant time applies between you and us.

In the Terms of Use, the terms ‘we’, ‘our’, and ‘us’ refer to GMT Publishing. ‘You’, ‘your’, and ‘yours’ refer to any person using or accessing the Site.

  1. Definitions In the Terms of Use, the terms starting with a capital letter have the following meanings:
  • GTC: our general terms and conditions of sale, as updated from time to time.
  • Terms of Use: these general terms of use, as updated from time to time.
  • Site Content: all software, works, services, procedures, arrangements, designs, technologies, trademarks, logos, company names, inventions, descriptions, images, sounds, music, videos, information, and other content available on the Site.
  • Privacy Policy: our privacy and personal data protection policy, as modified from time to time.
  • Site: the website
  • GMT Publishing: the company GMT Publishing Sàrl, registered in Geneva, Switzerland.
  1. Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy In the context of collecting and processing personal data, GMT Publishing is subject to Swiss data protection legislation. For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Terms of Use.

  2. General Terms and Conditions of Sale The purchase and sale of our products and services via the Site are governed by the GTC, which are an integral part of the Terms of Use.

  3. Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness of Information We make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information on the Site is accurate and complete. However, we disclaim any responsibility if this is not the case. If you rely on the data on the Site, it will be at your own risk. You agree that it is your responsibility to stay informed of any changes to the Site’s content. GMT Publishing disclaims all liability in this regard.

  4. Intellectual Property Rights The copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the Site Content are the property of GMT Publishing or are used with the permission of the relevant owner. You are authorized to browse the Site and reproduce extracts by printing or downloading to a hard disk for your personal use or that of your family. This is possible as long as you respect the copyright notices and other intellectual property notices. No reproduction of any part of the Site may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes, nor may it be modified or incorporated into any other work, publication, or website. GMT Publishing and, where applicable, its partners, remain the owners of the Site Content. This content is protected by copyright, design, trademark, patent, and all other intellectual or industrial property rights recognized by applicable law. Nothing on the Site is designed to grant you any license or right of use, of any kind, on the Site Content. Except as provided in the Terms of Use, any use of the Site Content by you is strictly prohibited.

  5. Links to Other Sites Links on the Site may direct you outside our networks and systems, including to the websites of our partners. GMT Publishing accepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy, or operation of these third-party sites. These links are provided in good faith, and GMT Publishing cannot be held responsible for the content of third-party sites to which a link is provided. The inclusion of a link to other websites does not imply endorsement by GMT Publishing. We recommend that you take note of and read carefully the terms of use and privacy notice of any other sites you visit.

  6. Handling Communications to Skippers – Email Security Any communication you send to Skippers over the internet will not be considered confidential. When communicating with Skippers by email, you should be aware that the protection of email messages transmitted over the internet is not guaranteed. Therefore, by sending important or confidential messages via unencrypted email, you accept the risks of such uncertainty and possible lack of confidentiality on the internet.

  7. No Warranties Your use of the Site is at your own risk. The Site is provided to you ‘as is’ and ‘as available’. Accordingly, GMT Publishing makes no warranties. In particular, we do not warrant that (i) the Site and the services offered on it will meet your requirements; (ii) the Site and its content are complete, accurate, precise, reliable, up-to-date, and do not infringe the rights of third parties; (iii) access to the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that it is free from viruses; (iv) defects will be corrected; (v) the Site is secure; or (vi) any advice or opinion obtained from Skippers through this Site is accurate and reliable. The Site may also contain information and documentation about products or services that are not available to everyone. While GMT Publishing endeavors to distribute its products and services as widely as possible, the reference to a product or service does not imply that it is or will be available to you. Any information on the Site is subject to change or removal without notice.

  8. Disclaimer of Liability To the extent permitted by law, any liability of GMT Publishing, its bodies, auxiliaries, and representatives arising from your access to or use of the Site is excluded. As a condition of your use of the Site, you agree to indemnify GMT Publishing, as well as its bodies, auxiliaries, and representatives from any damage (including legal and attorney fees) that may result from your access to or use of the Site.

  9. Prohibited Activities GMT Publishing reserves the right to prohibit (e.g., by removing the relevant content, limiting or prohibiting access to the Site) any act it may deem inappropriate and/or that it considers to be contrary to law or prohibited by applicable laws and regulations to the Site, including (but not limited to) the posting or transmission on the Site of unauthorized information, in particular content that, in our opinion, is likely to disturb, be detrimental to, or infringe the systems and security network of GMT Publishing or third parties, or contain defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic, or otherwise illegal or immoral statements. GMT Publishing also reserves the right to remove, without notice, any link, advertisement, or commercial indication made by a Site user. We reserve the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to the Site or any part of the Site without notice.

  10. Partial Invalidity Any provision of the Terms of Use that is, in whole or in part, contrary to mandatory Swiss law shall be severable, and any invalidity, in whole or in part, of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the provision in question or the other provisions of the Terms of Use. If any provision of the Terms of Use proves to be ineffective in whole or in part, it must be replaced by a provision producing economic and legal effects as close as possible to those of the invalidated provision.

  11. Miscellaneous These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between GMT Publishing and you concerning access to and use of the Site and Site Content. The fact that GMT Publishing tolerates breaches by you of any of your obligations under the Terms of Use, or does not require the exercise of a right recognized to GMT Publishing by the Terms of Use or by law, cannot be interpreted as a waiver of its right to invoke it. These Terms of Use exist in French and English. In case of discrepancies, the French version prevails.

  12. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Terms of Use are subject to Swiss substantive law. Subject to mandatory forums designated by applicable law, the forum is in Geneva (subject to appeal to the Federal Court).

Terms of Use updated on 17/10/2016. All rights to these Terms of Use belong to their author. Any reproduction without prior license is strictly prohibited.