
🏛 » Kitesurf clinic, Peru: a journey to another dimension

Kitesurf clinic, Peru: a journey to another dimension

by Sylvain

Discovering a new sporting universe in a magical place. This was made possible by Swiss coach Marc Ramseier, who introduced me to kitesurfing in the waves at his course in Punta Luna, Peru.

Text & photos: Marc Weiler

Every now and then, it’s good to get out of your comfort zone. This was the case for me on my trip to Punta Luna, Peru. A magical place, far from everything, in the middle of a nature reserve. A lunar landscape with a point break, where a perfect left unfolds.

I’m one of eight participants in Marc Ramseier’s wave kiting course. In addition to my three Swiss companions, the group is international, with an American, a Frenchman, a Spaniard and a German. After a 4×4 journey of almost two hours over bumpy roads, we finally arrive at the Punta Luna lodge and discover our superb rooms.

Wave addict

Swiss-born Marc Ramseier took up kitesurfing in 1998. For several years, he traveled as a professional kitesurfer and took part in numerous freestyle competitions, until his wave board and the waves themselves got the better of him. I’ve known Marc for a long time, and have accompanied him as a photographer on many of his trips, such as to Indonesia and Ireland, where he still organizes courses today.

It was time for a change of perspective! Instead of being behind the camera, I’m now one of the participants. However, while I love waves and am an avid surfer, windsurfer and, more recently, wingfoiler, my kiteboarding has remained relatively marginal until now, and I had no experience in waves. My kiting skills were therefore limited to flat water, with just the ability to do half-turns with a strapless board.

So I still had a lot to learn. As I wasn’t sure whether my meagre knowledge of kitesurfing could cope with the superb but fast Punta Luna wave, I also took my windsurfer and a surfboard with me. It would be a real shame not to be able to enjoy this beautiful trip and these dream waves!


First day of kiteboarding, excitement builds. After breakfast, Marc starts with an introduction, an initial two-hour theory. The question “what if…” runs through my head again and again. However, Marc gives us excellent advice on how to behave in the waves, creating a climate of confidence right from the start. You can tell right away that he speaks from experience. I feel safe, so it’s time to jump in!

I’m the rookie of the bunch. You can see that when we prepare our kites. Coaching in the waves is usually for advanced kiters. But there’s no turning back now and I’ve got to go for it. It’s exactly the same thought that comes to me in the water, a few minutes later, when I’m facing my first wave. Luckily, the waves aren’t that big for this first day, about a man’s size. I get in gently and take my time, as I still have two weeks ahead of me. I’m gaining in confidence and fascinated by this incredible landscape, while marvelling at the sea lions that make occasional appearances. For the moment, what I’m doing on the water doesn’t really look like real wave sailing.

This is confirmed in the evening video analysis. While the rest of the group were already making nice bottom and top turns, I looked more like a tourist lost in the waves of Punta Luna. But Marc doesn’t see it that way and gives me some very pertinent feedback that will help me progress over the following days. This is how our days unfold: theory in the morning, kiteboarding in the afternoon, video analysis in the evening and bedtime.

Perfect waves day after day and a maximum of ten people in the water – a real privilege. Progress is quickly noticeable in every participant. The thirst for waves is insatiable. For a change from kiting, we do SUP sessions, wing sessions, surf sessions and, of course, I get out my windsurfer. Funnily enough, I’m the first windsurfer to sign the guest book at Punta Luna surflodge. But to be honest, I really could have left my windsurfing gear at home, so much did I enjoy kiting the Punta Luna wave. Many thanks to Marc!


– How to get there: via Lima / Piura
– Best period: April to November
– Wing size: 8/11 m2
– Wetsuit: 3/2 mm
– Where to stay:

About Marc Ramseier

Originally from Switzerland, Marc has spent a large part of his life abroad, close to the oceans. As a result, he has discovered and surfed numerous kite spots around the world. His first home was Fuerteventura, where he taught himself to kite 23 years ago. He was the first on the island to venture into this new sport. He then spent a few winters in Maui / Hawaii before moving to Indonesia. His buddy, Martin Vari (former pro kiter), brought him to Punta Luna for the first time in 2021.

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